Beyond empakt

empakt is about empathy for people and knowledge transfer for the benefit of the industry. It starts with our core competency in Information Technology, but the end game is to make a positive and sustainable impact for as many people in need as possible.


Our strategy…

Starts with the creation of a successful and profitable business in IT consulting, then by the creation of a platform for innovation with startups, and aims to direct some of the value created to contribute to a better world.

Action keeps us honest about our true purpose and we shall start now.


Recent projects

Here are some examples of projects that we are supporting over time and welcome you to join us to make and empakt through our contact form.

Support a Syrian mother and her twins to keep them in school and have shelter with basic furniture

Cover for 2 orphans to remain as interns in a school in Senegal

Cover for 2 orphans to remain as interns in a school in Mauritania

Build of a well to provide drinking water in a village in Togo

Cover the debt of an orphan school under liquidation in Senegal

Today these are drops in an ocean, but for those people this has a huge impact and is in our gift. We wish to see these drops multiply until we can’t count them


*Due to sensitivities around the people and families involved in these projects, the photos above are illustrative and have been used to represent the projects only.


Be a part of the change