Sales & Marketing




  • Need for a quote-to-order integrated application

  • Product catalogue gaps with manual admin

  • No use of data on customer to infer optimal offer

The Consequence - Conversion rate and cost of sales impacted by:

  • Quote cycle time very high, errors in output

  • No guidance for customer and no use of insight to personalise

The empakt

13% reduction in sales cycle time:

  • Quote time reduction leads to improved revenue through responsiveness

  • Bid process automation reduces cost of sales

2% increase in win ratio delivering, sales efficiency improved by 3% delivering :

  • Skilled salespeople focused on high value deals and empowered to respond quickly and effectively to opportunities

Improved deal profitability:

  • Commercial assurance by focusing on profitable deals

  • Technical assurance by checking that we can deliver which removes rework effort and improves customer satisfaction